Well, the last day of DEVO. We met out at coach Deb Hall's house for a relaxed lap around DW2, where we reviewed everything the kids learned in this session. Very enjoyable ride, and Deb & I were both struck by how much they had improved since we first started weeks ago, back on the pavement of the Animas River Trail. They are doing great - and feeling pretty comfortable on their bikes, on singletrack trails. Afterwards, everyone enjoyed pizza and beverages and awards were given out to all of our graduating riders. There was a big tinge of bittersweet tho, as they have been a blast to be with and thank you so much parents, for allowing us the privilege of "borrowing" your great kids for two hours a week of riding around. It's been a pretty sweet gig for us and a real pleasure. Hoping to see all of them again soon - or just riding around the trails of Durango. Thanks again. - humble mini coach, Bryan